The word slavery conjures up images of men and women in chains, taskmasters lashing the backs of laborers, of obsequious uniformed house servants saying, ‘Yes massa; No massa.’ But the fact is, over the centuries the face of slavery has morphed into many forms, some brutal and degrading; others more humane and subtle. Regardless, slavery is inevitable for all. It is foundational to our present human condition.
LIE: We should not hate
It’s commonly understood that Christians should not hate — anything. How could hate possibly be compatible with love? These two emotions – these two intentions – are diametrically opposed to each other. But if you believe that hate is off-limits, you’ve been deceived.
The truth is, we are commanded to hate. But hate what? — EVIL.
LIE: We overcome tyranny by fighting for our rights
Tyranny attacks us human beings and seeks to enslave us; it does not recognize the dignity of the individual human being, but seeks to conform and control and adapt and assimilate us into their ‘society.’ It seeks to suppress all opposition. It often poses . . .
What is the Mark of the Beast? — Part 1
For centuries scholars, students, pastors and priests have taught, preached, written and speculated about the cryptic scriptures of the Book of Revelation. So why bring this up now?
What is the Mark of the Beast? — Part 2
In Part 1, I asked the question: What is the mark of the beast? or What is the meaning of ‘the mark of the beast’? To answer that question rightly, I need to work through at least five subjects: the dragon the beasts the image of the beast the worship
LIE: I can’t get involved because I don’t have enough time, resources or energy, Part 3
How then do we overcome this inertia, what we often say to ourselves: ‘I’m too tired,’ or ‘I’m just exhausted.’ We’ve all been there and no amount of guilt-tripping, motivational speeches, or rah-rah Christianity can long deliver us from our chronic fatigue. It will take something more fundamental. I hope to scratch that surface here. Here then are five keys to ensure we won’t fritter away our lives — five keys to overcome the inertia we all feel.
LIE: I can’t get involved because I don’t have enough time, resources or energy, Part 2
We are not owners but stewards, managers of God’s unlimited wealth. If we let that sink in, if we truly believe that, we will become the most . . .
Eight reasons I will not wear a mask whenever and wherever possible
Acquiescence to wearing a mask is submission to lying authority and may weaken our ability to be faithful to God.
LIE: I can’t get involved because I don’t have enough time, resources or energy, Part 1
When time is abstracted into hours, minutes and seconds, time becomes uniform, commodified and standardized so as to be used. So life becomes and is reduced to the use of time’s standardized commodities. One minute is treated like any other. The problem is that hours, minutes and seconds are not real; they are artificial constructs, and they will ultimately lead to an artificially-constructed life.
Why I won’t be taking the vaccine (assuming I will have a choice)
I count at least four good reasons not to take the vaccine. But only the fourth and final reason is truly a ‘bridge too far.’ The first three reasons are good enough to justify refusal, but if I’m right, only the fourth makes it absolutely untouchable, unthinkable.