Here in April 2021, the concept of a vaccine passport has gained considerable steam in the media. This idea has actually been around for quite a while, but only recently it’s been promoted in the wake of the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out. Many have written about the problems and adverse reactions with the vaccines themselves (including me, both here and here). And consequently, a significant portion of the population is either reluctant to take them or are outright refusing them. So for those of us in that camp, the idea of a ‘vaccine passport’ poses another potential problem — the inability to access places, events, stores, gatherings, etc. This is not only an attempt at coercion, but has an even more sinister intent.
But before we go too far, let’s clearly define at least the surface concept of a ‘vaccine passport.’
vaccine passport – a digital certificate from an official organization that’s used to show proof of vaccine status, without revealing personal data. These certificates are cryptographically generated on a user’s mobile phone or tablet which can then show the token (QR code) to an access reader, which then either grants or denies access.
So the idea is: you get your shot and it’s recorded in a government registry to which the vaccine passport system is connected. You then download the vaccine passport app on your phone, prove your identity, which then enables you to show your vaccine status code whenever you’re required to. Some places won’t require it, but others will; but whenever it’s required, you just power up the app and show the code.
Simple . . . easy, eh?
Although the mechanics of this process may seem straightforward and make sense, there are multiple problems with it. And it’s not just about losing our freedoms and our civil rights!
These systems are already available and some cities, states and nations are even now implementing and promoting them.
One of the common arguments used to rationalize them is that they’re nothing new. The concept of a ‘vaccine passport’ has existed for many years in the form of a ‘Yellow Card,’ which is a document that certifies that you’ve been vaccinated for Yellow Fever and is required by various nations.[1]
The problem with that argument is that the ‘Yellow Card’ is incomparable with a sophisticated digital platform. The ‘vaccine passport,’ as it’s currently conceived, is light years beyond a manually-produced, easily counterfeited, printed card that you carry in your wallet. The system behind the vaccine passport is a database platform which can be expanded and scaled to include any number of health-related data: BMI, blood pressure, medical history, medications, genetics, etc. These additional data can then be used to (apparently magically, non-transparently and without possibility of appeal – the algorithm is always right!) determine your health status as a binary good/bad, green/red status. This status then is used as your eligibility to access or experience any number of things. In other words, you may have access to go to the store, but a red (no-go) token to travel, etc. Only the system can fully ‘know’ the process used to produce the certificate/token. We simply must ‘trust the system.’

But I’m getting ahead of myself.
Here then are three reasons vaccine passports are wrong and should be refused:
1 It redefines public access and therefore human access[2]
Up until now, an event or service or product that is publically accessible has been available to any human being, regardless of age, sex, disability, national origin, etc. It’s defined as widely as possible, intentionally to prevent any form of discrimination. We’ve enshrined our civil rights laws around the idea that all human beings deserve to be treated with the same dignity. Nothing in our basic humanity should keep us from freely interacting in society.
Publically-accessible spaces include:
- movie theatres
- grocery stores
- coffee shops
- stadiums
- church buildings
- restaurants
- retail businesses
- airports
- hospitals
- hotels
- gas stations
- schools
- government buildings
- museums
- parks
But with the advent of vaccine passports, these otherwise publically-accessible spaces would be redefined to only allow vaccinated humans — that is, officially-certified, non-infected humans. And then that opens the door to only healthy humans, which could be defined in a variety of ways. Health we have to remember is defined not only by physical health, but also mental and emotional health.
For example, most restaurants, between its posted hours, are available to anyone. Yet, with the institution of a ‘vaccine passport,’ those same restaurants could legally deny a whole class of people based on their claimed health status. In other words, if two people, both healthy, normal-looking women, who want to buy a cup of coffee, enter the coffee shop and one has a vaccine passport and the other doesn’t, only the one with the passport can get in and be served. The other is turned away at the door.
Or, we could take this a step further and say that the one with the vaccine passport who has a runny nose, is coughing and sneezing, etc, gets in, whereas the healthy one without the passport is rejected.
Does that make any sense? No.
This is an extension/escalation of the mask mandates, the only difference being, the mask can simply be put on (or not) by the individual; but the vaccine passport system is an apparatus over which she has no control.

Therefore, ‘public’ and therefore humanity is now split and reclassified into two categories: vaccinated humans and non-vaccinated humans, or put in a more general way: healthy humans and unhealthy humans. Yet, only vaccinated,healthy humans meet the standard and have access to public and so by extension only vaccinated, healthy humans are considered to be fully human. This is worse than the so-called ‘digital divide,’ which is bad enough. This reclassification excludes those who could have access to vaccination but don’t want to take part in these health systems.
2 Reduces life to ‘health’ — wrongly equating life with health
This concept is so profound and so far-reaching, it’s difficult to explain and grasp. My initial attempt to do so can be found here[3], but can be almost be summed up with a single word: medicalization.[4]
The vaccine passport is the first major attempt to restrict access based on ‘health’/biometric data. Of course there have been many methods that restrict access, so it may help to see vaccine passports in light of those. Here’s a list of ways access is verified in the order of least to most intrusive.
Token type | includes identity | Used to access . . | has personal, ‘privacy’ data | has biometric ‘health’ data |
ticket | events | |||
key | rooms, bldgs | |||
social security card | analog | various | ||
credential ID | analog/digital | knowledge, labs, etc | ||
key card | ? | rooms, bldgs | ||
loyalty card | digital | products | yes | |
work badge | digital | rooms, devices | yes | |
driver’s license | digital | roads | yes | |
passport | digital | countries | yes | |
credit card | digital | products and services | yes | |
QR codes/badges | digital | various | yes | |
vaccine passport | digital | various | yes | yes |
In one sense, most of these are attempts to reduce our identity to a rudimentary set of data — our so-called ‘privacy’ data. But the vaccine passport is the first overt attempt to use a bodily/health data set. To this point, it’s important to point out that the World Economic Forum, a global think-tank which is also a backer of both the Vaccine Credential Initiative (VCI) and the Commons Project Foundation, promotes the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Here is Klaus Schwab, the chairman of the World Economic Forum, envisioning this ‘revolution,’ an idea that is so outlandish, it seems like a sick nightmare. Yet Schwab says all this with a straight face.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, finally, will change not only what we do but also who we are. It will affect our identity and all the issues associated with it: our sense of privacy, our notions of ownership, our consumption patterns, the time we devote to work and leisure, and how we develop our careers, cultivate our skills, meet people, and nurture relationships. It is already changing our health and leading to a “quantified” self, and sooner than we think it may lead to human augmentation. The list is endless because it is bound only by our imagination.
The First Industrial Revolution used water and steam power to mechanize production. The Second used electric power to create mass production. The Third used electronics and information technology to automate production. Now a Fourth Industrial Revolution is building on the Third, the digital revolution that has been occurring since the middle of the last century. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.[5]
You cannot be quantified or digitized!
The fact that both VCI and the Commons Project have ties to the World Economic Forum, the Mayo Clinic, Microsoft, MITRE, IBM, Unisys, the Electronic Health Record Association, and a hundred and forty more organizations,[6] strongly suggests that the ‘vaccine passport’ is only the beginning of a carefully planned framework intended to use health data to control and co-opt our ‘life.’ This framework is intended to be a giant access system, but not only for places and events, but also to purchase products and services with what VCI calls, a ‘health wallet.’
What this comes down to is the transformation of our health data into our digital identity. It is a grand attempt to foist transhumanism on the planet.
Up until recently, for most of us, digital identity was simply a user ID, authenticated with a password, that we typed into a computer sign-on field to gain access to a computer system. But now, millions of people unlock their phones with nothing but their face.
But let’s step back for just a minute. What does ‘digital identity’ mean? Can our identity be digitized? If so, what does that really mean? To digitize is to render a representation of a thing — to generate a representation with discrete digits – to ‘digitize.’ But can our identity be ‘twinned?’ copied? mirrored? If so, what is this digital image? And how faithful is that image to the real you? And who does the image belong to?
Whatever this image is, it is not us! Yet, this digital image — which includes more and more of our data, ostensibly in order to improve and complete our digital identity — will be used as part of us or even in place of us (by us and by others). The end goal is to use this digital identity interchangeably with the real us. So the promise is, you can have any number of avatars which represent different ‘parts’ of you and some which represent your fantasy self or your ‘real’ self.

You can be anything you want to be: cue The Matrix theme music.
The real danger is that you start believing the digital image is, or is nearly equivalent to, the real you, and that the real you that has ‘bad hair days’ and gets ill and is dying, gets demoted or even discarded. This is transhumanism’s real goal — to destroy the real you by using the promise of making the digital you, immortal. DO NOT BELIEVE THIS LIE!
It would ultimately accomplish the end that Jesus warned us of:
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. — John 10:10
The digital image is a steep and slippery slope. We have been warned.
This is the kind of profound transformation that’s happening right under our noses. The big tech companies — Google, Amazon, Oracle, Palantir, Apple, Facebook, et al — have amassed vast amounts of personal data, extracting it covertly from the active and passive use of our digital devices. Our use and our personal habits and our image form a unique pattern and profile that distinctly and uniquely identifies us. Most of the data they’ve collected on us, until now, has been external to our body or manifestations of our bodies. But now they are poised to go after our internal data, that is, our physical, mental and emotional health data, including our genetic data.
To that point, Whitney Webb, an investigative writer, in her article, Silicon Valley and WEF-Backed Foundation Announce Global Initiative for COVID-19 Vaccine Records, writes that this genetic data is already being generated with AI algorithms, leveraging against their very large digital identity data sets.
Of particular concern is that Verily, and by extension Google, created Project Baseline, which has been collecting “actionable genetic information” with a focus on “population health” from participants since 2017. Yet, during the COVID-19 process, Project Baseline has become an important component of Verily’s COVID-19 testing efforts, raising the unsettling possibility that Verily has been obtaining Americans’ DNA data through its COVID-19 testing activities. While Verily has not addressed this possibility directly, it is worth noting that Google has been heavily involved in amassing genomic data for several years. For instance, in 2013, Google Genomics was founded with the goal of storing and analyzing DNA data on Google Cloud servers. Now known as Cloud Life Sciences, the Google subsidiary has since developed AI algorithms that can “build your genome sequence” and “identify all the mutations that an individual inherits from their parents.”[7]
Although it’s not clear how Cloud Life Sciences is doing this, or what this means precisely, yet now with your entire genetics, the possibilities are nearly endless. Here are just a few scenarios of how this data could be used:
- Identify genetic vulnerabilities by population group and/or geographic area.
- Innovate and then promote therapies, drugs, etc, that will be needed by various population groups (and the converse: innovate and promote hidden toxins that only a few genetic populations can tolerate),
- In a eugenics scenario, identify the defective stock and slowly eliminate it.
So if you look carefully, the ‘vaccine passport’ is simply a ruse to coerce people into this nightmare transhuman system.
3 It’s ultimately designed to set standards of attitude and behavior to institutionalize and even imprison you
What is now somewhat innocently called a ‘vaccine passport’ is also, a social credit scoring system in disguise. It has all of the components needed to institute a full-blown social credit system:
- identity system — a system that tracks movement, habits, patterns, speech, relationships, purchases, physical, mental, emotional health trends, predictive analytics, etc.
- payment system — digital dollar or tokens or blockchain crypto-currencies
- access system — networks of readers and back-end systems to process the token payments.
The Chinese have famously rolled out what’s been commonly called a ‘social credit system’ on most of its population, at least in the major cities. From Wikipedia, here’s a succinct description of how it works and what its effects are under the term: IT-backed authoritarianism or digital authoritarianism:
IT-backed authoritarianism, also known as digital authoritarianism, is a state-led mass surveillance program, with Big Data and a new form of credit scoring to influence the behavior of citizens, companies and other institutions (nudge). It embeds political goals within algorithms. Its aim is to enhance the control capacity and authority of a non-democratic regime In contrast to traditional governance practices in authoritarian countries, IT-backed authoritarianism lowers the necessity to resort to coercion to exert power. The IT-based approach helps to establish a more subtle, automatic and invisible type of state control.[8]
It’s nothing less than a technocratic digital tyranny.[9] It can digitally:
- limit your access to events, places, information
- lock you down within a specific area, even within your own house or apartment. This may be accomplished through a tactic called geo-fencing
- determine how much universal basic income/credit you will receive as a result of your attitudes and behaviors.
- ration food, gas, electricity, etc
- reward or punish in various ways, that is, make you eligible or ineligible for privileges in education, employment, travel, food, housing, etc.
With the prospect of a vaccine passport, the future may seem bleak. But if these systems do roll out on a large scale, that does not mean we’re doomed. No system is perfect; there are always ‘gaps in the walls;’ though these systems claim to be run by AI, humans still can and do circumvent them; Jesus is with us and when he’s with us we have everything we need. The technocrats try to give the impression of invincibility, of inevitability, but don’t believe it. Rather, believe and trust in the majesty of our Savior. He alone is our refuge.
Until it was Jesus’ time to die, he resisted all attempts on his life. For example, this is what Jesus did when the people of Nazareth tried to push him off a cliff:
So all those in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath, and rose up and thrust Him out of the city; and they led Him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built, that they might throw Him down over the cliff. Then passing through the midst of them, He went His way. — Luke 4:28–30
He simply ‘passed through the midst of them.’ How this happened we do not know, but surely the Spirit of God made a way where there seemed to be no way.
In the final analysis, we will have no other place to go but to the Lord himself. But he has promised to BE our refuge.
God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear,
Even though the earth be removed,
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
Though its waters roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with its swelling. SelahThere is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God,
The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High.
God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved;
God shall help her, just at the break of dawn.
The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved;
He uttered His voice, the earth melted.The Lord of hosts is with us;
The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah — Psalm 46:1–7
[1] For a basic description of the Yellow Card, see the Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Certificate_of_Vaccination_or_Prophylaxis
[2] I’m advocating that we should refuse the vaccine passport for the reasons that I state here. But I also advise that you carefully count the cost of doing so. Also we should not refuse vaccine passports alone; the body of Christ needs to come together to support one another in this resistance.
[3] See LIE: I’m responsible for my health.
[4] For a general understanding see, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicalization
[5] See https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/the-fourth-industrial-revolution-what-it-means-and-how-to-respond/ captured on April 7, 2021
[7] See https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/01/investigative-reports/silicon-valley-and-wef-backed-foundation-announce-global-initiative-for-covid-19-vaccine-records/ captured on April 7, 2021.
[8] See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IT-backed_authoritarianism captured on April 7, 2021
[9] I’ve written about tyranny and why it’s so bad and how to overcome it here: LIE: We overcome tyranny by fighting for our rights.