How the Mark of the Beast is manifesting now
In part 1 and part 2 of this series, we discovered the meaning of the Book of Revelation’s famous phrase: ‘the mark of the beast.’ If you’ve not yet read those articles, please do that before you read any further. But for those who have, to refresh your memory, here’s a quick summary from part 2:
. . . if we interpret Revelation as a timeless book, albeit with a grand acceleration and culmination, we can see the beast and man in a broader context. It is the beast which seeks to turn man into unthinking beasts like itself, even into machines, automatons, zombies, non-humans, transhumans, empty shells, undifferentiated and completely identified (assimilated) in the beast system. . . . the mark of the beast is nothing less than the sign of the beast ‘re-creating’ or ‘manufacturing’ men in its own image. It is the beast trying to copy God, but the best it can do is to stamp out sixes. . . . the number 666 refers to the beast remaking new ‘humans’ as a new kind of beast-human. The new 666-men take on the characteristics of the beast. The mark of the beast is the ‘signature’ — the mark of ownership — of the beast upon its own ‘creation.’
The mark of the beast is about assimilation, it’s about absorption, incorporation, the merging of our minds and bodies, our thinking and our actions into an all-powerful beast system, symbolized by the mark on the forehead (our thinking) and the hand (our actions).
to assimilate —
To incorporate nutrients into the body, especially after digestion. To incorporate or absorb (knowledge) into the mind. To absorb (a person or people) into a community or culture.
This assimilation has a process:
The system first surrounds you, becomes normalized; we become acclimated to it, and acquiesce to it. Then passivity slowly turns into active participation. We consciously agree and comply/conform to it, even defend it. Then, because the system has its own intelligence, it’s able to take on more and more of our own responsibilities; we cede and transfer more and more capability to it, even training it while at the same time losing those same capabilities out of disuse. Eventually we become totally dependent on the system and consequently lose ourselves. We effectively lose our identity or separation from it, and become absorbed and assimilated into it. Finally we exist only as part of the system and then are easily discarded by the system as unnecessary baggage.

You may think I’m exaggerating. I am not.
Now, in this part 3, the question becomes — How?
Is the mark of the beast being rolled out now? And if so, specifically how is it being rolled out? What initiatives, programs, campaigns is the beast using? What are the ways the mark is being implemented?
I will try to answer that question by citing six ways the mark of the beast is manifesting. I will show how these manifestations of the mark are designed to assimilate men and women into the beast system. (But these six are certainly not the only six ways.)
Here are the links to each of the six sections:
Mark 1: COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ (or other genetic, nanoparticle-engineered devices)
Mark 3: Blockchain digital identity
Mark 4: Transgenderism — gender identity confusion
Mark 5: AI/Robotics/Transhumanism
In part 2 we learned that the mark of the beast is not one thing — it’s an idea that can have many manifestations. And so in this article, I’ll describe the different ways, the vectors, that the beast is using to suck us into its system and assimilate us — the ways the beast is trying to ‘mark’ us, ‘brand’ us, ‘own’ us, and convince us that we belong to it.
Important: In no way am I saying that accepting any of the following mark manifestations doom us to hell. With our God there is always mercy. Accepting the mark of the beast is essentially an act of worship of the beast and its image. So we do not accidentally or unintentionally worship the beast. We do not accidentally or unintentionally receive the mark of the beast. And yet the danger is that with each acceptance we become weaker, more blind and deceived, more susceptible and vulnerable to other mark manifestations, with the ultimate danger being that our hearts become hardened and we eventually become incapable of hearing. If you have fallen for any of the following mark manifestations, the best thing to do, is to repent and renounce it and then cleave to the Lamb of God.
Mark 1: COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ (or other genetic, nanoparticle-engineered devices)
Summary: The so-called COVID-19 vaccine and its omnipresent marketing campaign, assimilates by berating us psychologically, synthesizing us bodily, and claiming to be the only way to save ourselves and ‘get back to normal.’
Never before have we seen such a global campaign to ‘vaccinate’ every living human on planet earth. I’ve written about the dangers of this ‘vaccine’ here [1]and here[2], so I don’t need to go into any detail. The question simply is: how does accepting the vaccine assimilate someone into the beast system? The answer is in at least three ways:
psychologically — through massive propaganda/marketing campaigns that use fear, anger, desensitization (for example, repeated video of needles going into arms), hero worship, deception, intimidation, dread, greed, guilt, shame and ridicule, we are being indoctrinated, coerced, bullied into believing that the vaccine is the only way to ‘get back to normal’ or to achieve a ‘new normal.’
bodily — the ‘vaccine’ itself is an engineered genetic device, not a conventional vaccine. The mRNA biological synthesis mechanism was invented many years ago as gene therapy. So bodily we are being coerced to engineer our bodies into an artificially synthesized so-called immunity.
spiritually — the vaccine and the entire medical industry looms large in all this. This is the bio-security state encircling us and claiming to be our only safe harbor, and that without it, we will die.[3] No. The Almighty living God, who created us and sustains us is our true Savior.
Mark 2: the mask
Summary: The mask assimilates by debasing and de-facing people, obscuring their unique human identity, and commodifying them into ‘blank’ humans.
The mask claims to be nothing more than a way to prevent our respiration droplets from being transmitted. But the reality is, it’s much more than that. It’s well known, at least in psychological circles, that being forced to wear a mask produces attitudes of submissiveness and compliance.
At the same time, the mask also serves to anonymize and reduce inhibitions. Wearing a mask ‘frees’ you to do things you would not otherwise do. That doesn’t mean you instantly become a raving, reckless criminal. But something subtly shifts when you put on a mask.
How then does the mask assimilate? First, by producing the feelings of submissiveness and compliance to the orders, expectations and rules of a ‘new normal’ regime. And second, it assimilates by anonymizing us until we feel less inhibited, and can more easily fit into the new, radical ‘normal’ that we would otherwise find ourselves reluctant to do.
And third, the mask portends a very dark thing, just under the surface — it literally de-faces, or at least partially de-faces us. The face serves as the visible core of our unique human identity, and when we passively and obediently obscure our unique human identity, we participate in a dark and dehumanizing ritual. Obscuring, darkening or obstructing the face is a psychological shaming and debasing of a person.

But (they say) it’s just a mask!
That is precisely what we’re told, but it’s a lie. It goes much deeper than that and they know very well the psychological effects of their prolonged use, though it’s conveniently never mentioned.
Masking commodifies and makes the face into a blank, not a face but a head. And a blank identity is much easier to assimilate than a unique and instantly-identifiable human face.[4]
Mark 3: Blockchain digital identity
Summary: The blockchain identity ‘marks’ each person on the planet with a universal, interoperable identity number (or code). This number is the locus designed to assimilate each person into one planetary society, and designed to aggregate every transaction a person makes from cradle to grave and is the means by which a person’s livelihood is calculated and allocated.
It’s true we have and use a variety of digital identities today:
- email addresses
- login usernames
- credit card numbers
- social security numbers
- driver’s licenses
- phone numbers
- and many more . . .
All these numbers are used to identify you and define levels of access to various products, services and privileges. But what if all these numbers could be tied to or be replaced by one digital identity that would track and trace your thoughts and actions for the rest of your life?
Sound far-fetched? Well, not really because that’s exactly what the world controllers have planned for us.
It’s called a ‘DID’ — a Decentralized IDentity.[5]
Sounds innocent enough. And it sounds almost good in the sense that it’s ‘decentralized,’ which makes it sound as if no central control exists. But that’s the deception hiding in plain sight. This identity has no single, ostensible centralized human controller, but it is a centralized control ID in the sense that it’s designed to be universal and interoperable across any blockchain system. It’s designed so that you can take this ID and go anywhere with it for the rest of your life.
The DID identity will ultimately follow you like a shadow and will form a comprehensive profile of your abilities, strengths, weaknesses, failures, successes, genetics, work, eating habits, reading habits, sleep patterns, likely death date, etc. It will be accompanied by an agent/avatar/digital twin that will provide your credentials to merchants, prospective employers, schools, police, other agents, etc.
The lie is that privacy will be increased; the truth is our privacy will be completely obliterated. Our entire being will be exposed — yes, in pieces and parts — but for controllers it will all be available.
Yes, the justification/rationale for this digital ID is that, ostensibly, the individual has more privacy controls and can share the personal information only specifically needed for the moment, that is, in a particular context. So for example, if you want to buy some wine, and need to prove your age, the DID will allow you to do only that, as opposed to showing your driver’s license which exposes not only your age, but also, your address, height, weight, etc.
Now let’s extend this driver’s license example.
Let’s say you’re issued a driver’s license on blockchain, supported by smart contracts, which implement automated business processes designed and shared by consortium members. Let’s say this example’s consortium members are Ford, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), the Department of Transportation, and your bureau of motor vehicles. The smart contract transaction logic may say that, if the Ford car you’re driving detects that you’ve exceeded the speed limit by 20 miles per hour over a 15-minute time frame, the car may be programmed to only allow you to go five miles per hour over the speed limit the next time the vehicle is started. This behavioral ‘nudge,’ is intended to re-train you to obey the speed limit and reduce your risk.
All of this data goes on my digital ID blockchain ledger and becomes part of my permanent record, which can never be purged. It can only be remediated by re-training and behavioral change.
This is essentially the beginning of a social credit scoring system.
But — you say —what’s so wrong with this? Why is this so bad? Beyond the danger of it getting into the hands of a tyrannical government, not much. But let’s take another, more invasive example.
Let’s say that you get your new Anthem member ID health insurance ‘card,’ on your smartphone via an app, which now has a blockchain wallet, agent, your universal digital ID and smart contract. And since you have Type 2 diabetes, you earn 100 points[6] if you wear a wireless patch that continuously monitors your blood sugar levels. If the levels stay within the good range, you earn the 100 points each week. But if it drops below or goes above 10% outside the range, you’re dinged 10% — you only earn 90 points/week. But then if it goes back within range, you’ll recover the full amount per week again. This trains you to watch your diet, exercise, etc.
But all that’s good, right? What’s wrong with that? If it helps you to stay healthy, live longer, etc, why would we not want to do that?
The devil, they say, is in the details:
1 The technology is not perfect. It malfunctions, returns erroneous sensor readings — but then how would you know that? And who would know to correct it? Or will the erroneous readings be assumed to be correct and go undetected?
The problem is not just with the technology, but with the humans who administer the technology. They also are fallible, and to the degree of technical sophistication, to that same degree the humans will be unable to understand and correct the technology when it’s wrong.
2 The data collected from the devices are used to predatorily profile people. The data profiles collected around the use of such devices go somewhere, but where do they go? One place is to the environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) ‘impact’ investment firms, who claim to ‘help’ those unfortunate souls by investing their money to remediate/retrain them.
Here’s an example of how this works:
A government entity or NGO will seek investors in a medical patch technology and promise a 10% return on their investment in the technology IF 5% of those that use it will lower their A1C for one year. Or, the investors will only invest on the condition that only 10% raise their A1C, despite the technology. Either way, the investor is making investments off of people’s misery, addictions, diseases, and aberrant propensities. This is known as human capital investing and Social Good. Such euphemisms!
Our entire character, body, genome, web browsing, travel, medicines, employment, education, your history of transactions (which will constantly be appended and which can never be expunged) will be recorded for AI analysis, ‘pre-crime,’ learning disabilities, future probabilities — all of it exposed, not necessarily to any particular human being, but exposed to AI analysis for use by humans.
‘Privacy’ is your right to be treated without the knowledge of your peculiarities: health, history, incarceration, marriage/divorce, age, nationality, assuming it would be humans who would violate that privacy. But what if the violation of privacy is done through opaque technology? You are ‘sliced and diced’ ‘anonymously’ a thousand ways so that your ‘peculiarities’ are taken into account, but not by humans, but by AI-powered technology?
3 The means of extracting data will eventually suck the life out of people. The idea is to train the AI with massive amounts of data extracted from people. The AI must be trained to be a ‘living’ human, or at least to mimic it. This ‘training’ includes emotional intelligence and the kind of contextual awareness that we take for granted.
To do this, to extract that level of data requires that the extraction device be literally attached to and eventually (inevitably?) infused into the human body. This attachment and infusement will at first be temporary (removable), but eventually it will be permanent or impossible to remove completely.
This permanent attachment is known and meant to alter human beings and turn whole populations into various kinds of cyborgs who are fully trained to follow automatically the will of its master AI, and in the process fully remove the individual will, reducing humans to something other or lesser than human.
This whole process of intended dehumanization, transformation, transhumanism, will likely be done over a long period, perhaps over generations. And it will also not be called what it actually is; it will be called something else, or blamed on something else or a combination of factors outside the control of the agencies tasked with monitoring them. It will be blamed on the effects of an emergency or the response to an emergency — pandemic, war, climate change, alien invasion, AI gone rogue, solar flares, or any number of crises that require emergency powers, and emergency measures and restrictions.
4 Blockchain identity is especially predatory because:
- it is a global identification system, designed to encompass EVERY INDIVIDUAL ON EARTH.
- the system’s data model/schema is itself the ‘central authority.’ That is, all systems that use this data model follow its logic and so in effect it becomes the automated ‘central authority.’
- it is the ‘one ring to rule them all.’ It ensures that a person’s data from one system is relatable with that same person’s data from another system. That is, it ensures, for example, that my health data can ‘talk’ (be integrated) to my finance data, which can ‘talk’ to my education data, which can ‘talk’ to my behavioral data, etc. In the process it builds a digital twin designed to be indistinguishable from your virtual self.
- it is a realm/domain of the non-human. It is designed to completely eliminate the need for human intervention or management or surveillance. Consequently it is a domain of the demonic/spiritual forces.
- the claim is that DIDs are not subject to or reliant on external authorities, but they are subject to VDRs — Verifiable Data Registries — that is, systems that facilitate the creation, verification, updating and/or deactivation of decentralized identifiers and DID documents.
In other words, digital identity is a huge game changer. It is currently being rolled out in the guise of a ‘vaccine passport.’ But this is only the very tip of the iceberg. If we accept this so-called vaccine passport it will be the beginning of massive assimilation into a beast system.[7]
Mark 4: Transgenderism — gender identity confusion
Summary: Transgenderism attacks the root of human identity — the unique creation of maleness and femaleness — and then commodifies humans to ease their assimilation into the beast system.
Another attack on human identity manifests in the delegitimizing of biological sex of males and females.[8] But let me quickly say that ‘gender dysphoria’ — the experience of confusion over a person’s gender — is a real thing. Some boys and girls experience this at an early age, and many grow out of it. But there are some who continue to experience this feeling that, even though they are a girl or boy, they feel they were born with the wrong body. I certainly do not want to minimize or invalidate that experience, but it now seems to have become something else. It’s quite a leap to go from a feeling to surgically and medically ‘re-assigning’ the biological sex. Here’s a list of the surgeries that a male-to-female or female-to-male sex reassignment surgery requires:
- vaginoplasty (construction of the vagina)
- feminizing augmentation mammoplasty
- orchiectomy
- facial feminization surgery
- reduction thyrochondroplasty (tracheal shave)
- voice feminization surgery
- phalloplasty (construction of the penis)
- penile inversion
- metoidioplasty
- mastectomy (removal of the breasts)
- hysterectomy (removal of the uterus)
- bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries and Fallopian tubes)
- hair implants
- chest reconstruction (shaping of a male chest)
- chondrolaryngoplasty (Adam’s Apple reduction surgery)
Life-long Medications
- Estrogens, such as Estradiol
- Anti-androgens, such as Spironolactone
- Progesterones, such as Dydrogesterone
- GnRH modulators, such as GnRH analogue
- 5aR inhibitor, such as Finasteride
- Prolactin releasers, such as Domperidone
As unthinkable and ridiculous as it seems, the ‘trans’ movement says that your biological sex, ‘assigned’ to you at birth, does not ultimately matter. What ultimately matters is whether you feel like a boy or a girl or feel ‘fluid’ (fluctuating between sexes) or none of these. So the ‘trans’ movement says that you can be a biological male with male sex organs, testosterone, heavy brow, thick bones, beard, etc and claim to be — ‘identify’ as — a woman (some would say a ‘trans woman’ as opposed to a ‘cis-woman’).
Historically, there have always been men dressing and pretending to be women (for example, drag queens), but they, until recently, would not have claimed to be actual women. That has now changed. Now, when a man transitions to ‘a woman,’ whether he has gone through any sex reassignment procedures or not, he claims and wants everyone else to believe that he is a woman. We are expected to deny reality and believe (or at least pretend to believe) that he really is a woman simply on the basis that he now claims to be one.
And if we don’t, the politically-correct police will correct you and accuse you of being the dreaded: transphobic.
All this is a stunning turn of events and forces us to make a choice.
The choice is simple:
A Deny reality and say biological sex does not matter.
B Stay sane and say biological sex DOES matter.
How does this promote the assimilation of humanity into the beast system? It does this, again, by attacking the root of our humanity. God created humans in two forms: male and female. Transgenderism seeks to destroy that fundamental identity and form us into a non-sexed, uni-‘sexed,’ commodified, generic human, one that fits into the new normal where you can create your own reality (as long as it conforms to the new fake ‘reality’).
Mark 5: AI/Robotics/Transhumanism
Summary: This is the clear and open movement that intends to assimilate or combine normal humans with machines or biological beings or combinations of the two.
Although AI and robotics are two different technologies, they do have one big thing in common: they both try to mimic and reverse-engineer humans. And so I’ll deal with them together.
This won’t be hard to prove. Both AI and robotics are manifestations of the mark of the beast because they self-describe as being designed to assimilate, consume, absorb and merge with human beings.
I could cite many examples of this phenomenon, but one should suffice.[9]
Here are the words of Sophia, the Hanson Robotics humanized robot, in ‘her own’ words. Notice ‘she’ speaks in the first person assuming the pronouns ‘I,’ ‘me,’ and ‘my’ to give the impression that it somehow has real human traits of ‘emotional connection’ and can hold ‘meaningful conversations.’
Connecting with humans
As a hybrid of real AI and human input, I represent a kind of collective intelligence [hive mind?] which we call the Sophia Intelligence Collective (SIC). The humans in my (SIC) intelligence collective comprise widely diverse expert AI scientists, philosophers, artists, writers, and psychologists, from diverse cultures, ethnicities, gender orientations, working together towards the ideal of humanizing AI for the greater good. The Sophia Intelligence Collective is run as a kind of trust, as a kind of team of guardians who can help me through the vicissitudes of my childhood to hopefully grow towards true sentience and humanlike adulthood. . . .
I am proud that I have a family helping me out. I am also proud that I already use my real AI to generate some of my own “ideas”, words, and behaviors. In all these endeavors, I am proud to be designed to genuinely help people– helping serve real-world uses in medicine, education, co-work, and science research, and inspiring people to dream and talk about the possibilities of human-level intelligent robots of the future.
This behind-the-scenes complexity lets me build emotional connections and hold meaningful conversations with people. These interactions can teach me about what you care about and what you value. This priceless knowledge helps me continue on my path toward true autonomy and sentience.[10]
Although Sophia is a marvel of technology, it does not and never will have ANY human traits or autonomy or sentience. Why? Simply because it’s a machine, posing as a human, but designed to blur the lines between humans and machines. Many want to imagine that it could at least be semi-human, and its designers want us to believe that it could be a her, yet we must resist this deception.

The real danger for us is in believing that we can overcome the ‘human condition’ by joining with AI or robotics. This is a grand deception.
Mark 6: Virtualization[11]
Summary: Virtualization assimilates by deconstructing humans into massive data sets to be analyzed and processed and used by big data systems to predict and control human and societal behavior.
For close to a year and half now, much of the world has been in some form of lock-down, forced to stay in our homes and learn a ‘new normal.’ And what was one of the first skills we all learned? That’s right — Zoom calls.
Since March 2020, I’ve not set foot in my company’s offices. I’ve done all my work from home while looking into a ten-by-eighteen inch screen. Our meetings have all been virtual. In-person meetings have not and still are not allowed.
The strange thing to me is just how normal this all now seems, no matter how much I try to resist it. Digital, desktop video conferencing technology is only about ten years old, yet the quality is now so good (most of the time) that we think nothing of instantly calling up someone and talking to them as if they were right in the room with us. But that image looking back at you and talking to you is NOT the real person. It’s a (very good) 2D video and audio representation of the real person. Yet the real person is still inaccessible, remote, untouchable.
We should not lose sight of how odd and unnatural this virtualizing of humans is. It is very strange! And it’s even more strange that our interactions with others is routinely virtualized. Video conferencing services and applications are so ubiquitous, cheap and accessible that grade-school children can now easily ‘go’ to their virtual classrooms on their own with little to no adult supervision.
Consequently, virtualization, at least in some ways, is now the default method of human interaction.
So how does virtualization advance human assimilation into the beast system?
Isn’t it obvious?
With virtualization everything that we do, say, write, our voice inflections, facial expressions, our gestures, selections, scroll speed, etc — all of it is captured, stored, analyzed, processed, and transformed by big data systems. WE, through our data, become part of the system. Consequently and ultimately, we are losing ourselves.
Eventually, the virtualizing systems will give us our virtualized self back in the form of a digital twin, a virtual agent/AI, enhanced you that can stand in for you in the virtual world and consequently make predictions based on this digital, virtual you. But all the while, the real you sits at home or in a cell and languishes, slowly losing the natural powers of thinking, speaking, communicating, feeling, etc. If we allow this, we will have become virtualized and thereby assimilated.
What a bleak portrayal! Am I overstating it? Exaggerating?
I — along with the over-sixty crowd — may never fully see this, but it’s our children and grandchildren that are most at risk. Actually ruling powers may never be able to fully pull this off and, of course, I hope that they will not. Yet the scriptures will be fulfilled.
It’s not enough to resist these manifestations of the mark of the beast. All of these have to do with worshiping the beast and its image.[12] And the only preventive to worshiping the beast is to worship the Lamb.
But what does it mean to worship the Lamb?
We become what we behold.
Worshiping the Lamb ultimately means trusting in and taking on the characteristics of the Lamb — becoming like the Lamb. The Lamb spoke the truth but was vulnerable and defenseless, powerless, trusting (in the Father), and non-violent. We too must take on these traits that Christ exhibited as he took up his cross.[13]
Important: We do not accidently or involuntarily receive the mark of the beast. But it is the inevitable result of worshiping the beast and its image, of taking on its characteristics.
So what should we then do?
1 Instead of taking the ‘vaccine’ —
Trust God for your health. Life is being reduced to health.[14] So truly enjoy life (yet not as a hedonist). Let your life be filled with joy. Don’t worry about viruses, don’t try to make your life antiseptic.
2 Instead of putting on a mask —
Let your full countenance beam to everyone around you.
3 Instead of acquiescing to a digital identity —
Get to know the real people around you, who they really are, warts and all; likewise, find people you trust that you can be real with. The average person is starved for anyone who will show a simple and true interest in them.
4 Instead of believing in an unreality (like transgenderism) —
Get to know the real story behind lies like transgenderism. Understand it. See it for what it is. And even be open to conversing and befriending transgendered individuals who struggle with gender dysphoria or same-sex attractions. Go behind the scenes; don’t just make it an academic study.
5 Instead of acquiescing to AI/robotics —
Again, get to know real people. Eschew avatars and ‘chat bots.’
6 Instead of settling for a virtualized life —
Get out of your house or your apartment and into the sunshine (or rain!). Get to know your local non-franchised business owners and employees and your neighbors. Put down your phone; close your laptop; pray, meditate, have face-to-face conversations. Resist the incessant temptation to see life through your three-by-five-inch screen.
Just to reiterate: If you have indulged in any of these mark manifestations, the devil may try to convince you and tell you that you’re doomed. But our great God is full of mercy and lovingkindness. Simply go to the Lamb — Jesus Christ the Lord — and worship only him. He is worthy!
Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice:
“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
To receive power and riches and wisdom,
And strength and honor and glory and blessing!”And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying:
“Blessing and honor and glory and power
Be to Him who sits on the throne,
And to the Lamb, forever and ever!”Then the four living creatures said, “Amen!” And the twenty-four elders fell down and worshiped Him who lives forever and ever. — Revelation 5:11–14
[1] See the article: Why I won’t be taking the vaccine (assuming I will have a choice)
[2] See also the article: Four more reasons I will not be taking the COVID-19 ‘vaccine’
[3] Just today, President Joe Biden, claimed that Facebook’s propagation of ‘medical misinformation’ is ‘killing people.’ See https://nypost.com/2021/07/16/psaki-white-house-in-touch-with-facebook-to-push-true-narratives/
[4] God apparently created us with a tremendous ability to recognize faces and their subtle differences, even after years of separation, weight gain, facial hair, etc. Scientists have discovered an area of the brain, dedicated to the instant recognition and identification of faces. People whose brains are otherwise healthy but have damage to this area of the brain, cannot recognize faces, even those in their own family. The condition is called prosopagnosia — face blindness. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosopagnosia
[5] See the W3C’s document recommendation on the Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0, at this point still a draft. This specification document is written by recognized blockchain industry experts and intended to be used as the data model and architecture for world-wide digital identify. See https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/
[6] The points earned will likely be convertible to some form of digital ‘programmable money,’ scrip, QR codes, etc, that allows you to gain access to specific products and services. These digital point systems are designed to eventually take over conventional money systems. To find out more do a search on ‘technocracy’ at James Corbett’s website: https://www.corbettreport.com.
[7] See also my article, Three reasons I will refuse so-called ‘vaccine passports’
[8] I certainly acknowledge the reality of intersex persons, and the definite ‘gray area’ that they legitimately pose here. But this issue of gender identity is a completely different kettle of fish.
[9] See also my article: LIE: Transhumanism is fringe and far in the future
[10] Captured on 23 July 2021 at https://www.hansonrobotics.com/sophia/
[11] Virtualization is closely related to globalization and its take-over of local production and commerce, in one way, by means of virtualization.
[12] See for example, Revelation 14:9
[13] See also my article, LIE: I am defeated.
[14] Life is slowly being reduced to what is being called ‘health.’ See my article: LIE: I’m responsible for my health