Time stamp: July 16, 2023.
You’ve probably heard of the ‘disclosure movement’ — the decades-long belief on the part of fringe groups, that the governments of the world are hiding UFOs (now called UAPs, unidentified anomalous phenomena,[1] but I’ll stick to UFOs for now) and aliens and are reverse-engineering their technology. In the last year, this movement has accelerated and gained quite a bit of credibility. Most recently, David Grusch, a former Air Force intelligence officer, came forward as a whistleblower, and claimed that the US government, “maintains a highly secretive UFO recovery program [recovering crashed UFOs] and is in possession of ‘non-human’ spacecraft and ‘dead pilots.’”
Also very recently, Congress introduced legislation to make it illegal to secretly possess non-human craft, and more legislation to declassify archives of the government’s secret documents on UFOs. Later this month — in July 2023 — Congress is planning to hold hearings on all of this and scheduled whistleblowers who claim to have first-hand knowledge of these things — those who claim to have actually seen or analyzed dead aliens, or crashed UFOs.
You may think: ‘this is all fake,’ or ‘it’s no big deal,’ or ‘we’ve heard all this before,’ or you may think it’s real and exciting and you’re glad the DOD, Congress, US Navy, etc are finally coming clean (!). Whatever you believe, it appears that disclosure has already started and will continue to pick up speed.
I don’t claim to have perfect vision, but it seems that the next several months may turn into a very uncertain and unstable time. No one can predict the future, but I’m going to try, but not as a ‘thus saith the Lord;’ I’m only trying to apply wisdom, discernment and understanding. I’d rather warn you and be wrong, than fail to warn you and have been right.
Why am I doing this?
Knowing full well I may be wrong, I’m doing this because I believe we’re going into a time of unprecedented deception and I want to warn you. I believe many people will be deceived and will suffer needlessly. The disclosure evidence may be very strong, even overwhelming. And there will likely be social and even phenomenological (e.g., images in the sky, voices in the head, etc) pressures and controls imposed on us to believe and act on these things.
This all may sound very strange, and indeed it is strange. But remember COVID? In 2020, almost no one saw it coming; I know I didn’t! But almost overnight the whole world went into lockdown because of an invisible virus. And consequently many people suffered in many ways. The COVID ‘pandemic’ was largely a coordinated media event, meaning, if it weren’t for TV and social media and the general internet, we would’ve likely continued on with our normal lives. ‘Alien disclosure’ will be another major, world-wide media event. The question will be:
Is it real or fake?
And if it’s real (or fake), what does it mean and what should we DO?
Certainly UFO sightings, aliens, abductions, etc have a long history of being hoaxes; many stories are fiction, but apparently some cannot be explained.
As I said earlier, the evidence of the disclosure will almost certainly be overwhelming (Project Blue Beam anyone? that is, giant holographic photo-realistic projections in the sky. That’s one method that would be quite compelling). And the story will likely go something like this:
The alien races have been here on earth for a very long time, even millennia.
They ‘travel’ the universe instantaneously through the use of quantum and astro-physical properties (for example, ‘worm holes’).
They have super-advanced technology that can easily overpower and outmaneuver any military or commercial hardware.
Many have experienced ‘alien abductions’ which are the new normal, paranormal phenomena.
I think disclosure will claim to answer the ultimate questions: who are we? where did we come from? and who or what is God?
Over time the paranormal will likely become normalized (I realize that’s an oxymoron). The message of disclosure will oppose a purely materialist worldview; it will reveal a ‘spiritual,’ ‘inter-dimensional’ ‘re-enchanted’ world superimposed on the material that can be accessed and used if you have the right knowledge, materials, and practice. Disclosure will claim to fundamentally redefine reality itself.
Even consciousness, our own consciousness as human beings, is ultimately in the crosshairs and will somehow get (falsely) integrated into this soup of reality that is being mapped out. What that will look like is not clear, but it will likely be some form of ‘hive-mind’ or collective consciousness so that any aberration or non-compliance will raise a red flag.
This is the ‘religious’ side of disclosure, which will be the main point. Disclosure will conclude that all the old religions may have gotten a few things right (god bless ’em), but now they will claim to know what ‘God’ really is or at least what he isn’t.
In other words, HERE’S THE BIG LIE: ‘sorry folks, we know this must be disappointing, but unfortunately there is no personal ‘God.’ So that means there is no personal God who created you and loves you. There is only the mysterious impersonal force of creation and destruction, whatever that is.‘ For more information on this point, see my article: LIE: God is a vast impersonal force.
This messaging will likely take time to build and unfold, but I doubt the media attention will stop.
Many Christians are obviously vulnerable to this insidious and destructive lie. So we must stand against this and warn, encourage and help our brothers and sisters discern what’s really happening.
I could go on, but that’s probably enough for now.
Again, why am I saying this?
Certainly NOT to cause fear or dread. That will be what disclosure will try to do. My motive is quite the opposite. I want to warn you, and if I’m right, you will be FOREwarned so that, when it happens, IF it happens, the ‘disclosure’ will lose some of its shock value and you’ll be less likely to fall for what will be a major deception.
But maybe you don’t think it’s a deception; maybe you think it’s real, or that it might be real. If so I’d love to get your perspective.
[1] That word ‘phenomena’ ought to tell you something; it’s no longer just ‘objects.’ Phenomena includes the paranormal.