alien encounter
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In your mind, you have capacities, you know
To telepath messages through the vast unknown
Please close your eyes and concentrate
With every thought you think
Upon the recitation we’re about to sing

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft

. . .

With your mind, you have ability to form
And transmit thought energy far beyond the norm
You close your eyes, you concentrate
Together, that’s the way
To send the message, we declare World Contact Day

— Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft, made popular in 1976 by The Carpenters

Lie: Disclosure is about aliens

Truth: Disclosure is about a false spiritual awakening

Aliens! . . . UFOs! . . . UAPs! . . . NHIs! . . . ETIs!

For those who don’t know, the word ‘disclosure’ has long been the shorthand word used by UFO groups. It’s an appeal/protest to the US government and space agencies to end their (apparent) institutional program of concealment and obfuscation of aliens and alien craft. ‘Show us what you’ve been hiding for decades!’  — has been their rallying cry.

From the 1940s until recently the US government ignored, dismissed and even ridiculed anyone who made claims of aliens or alien craft or requested records, evidence or artifacts. But all that started to change around 2022 when the Pentagon established the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), a clearinghouse for government reports of anomalous phenomena. Somehow UFOs (now technically known as unidentified anomalous [or aerial] phenomena or UAPs) are now seriously studied by the government. One notable incident was the so-called tic-tac encounter[1] that created the initial stir for military and commercial pilots to start reporting more of their incidents.

Nearly two years ago I wrote about disclosure,[2] warning that recent events pointed to a looming radical shift of our perceived reality that would lead to a (fake) spiritual awakening. I thought then, in 2023, that ‘disclosure’ was right around the corner. But now, two years later, things continue to only gradually escalate, yet full disclosure, however it may eventually roll out, continues to be elusive. It appears that ‘disclosure’ is actually a slow reveal that started years ago, and simply gets more and more obvious over time. But it’s only logical that a story of this magnitude would need a long runway because its real goal is to fundamentally shift core beliefs.

However it happens it has apparently begun.

Before I go too far and you start thinking that I’m a ‘true believer,’ let me briefly share my position on aliens and disclosure. I believe that the disclosure movement has been and continues to be a multi-generational social engineering operation, artificially manufactured and propagated by shadowy world powers and perpetuated by abductees, grifters and true believers and their documentarians. It’s essentially an elaborate hoax perpetrated on us to force massive changes on the world. But that does not mean that parts of what will be ‘disclosed’ are not real. They may very well be. For example, ancient civilizations, out-of-body experiences[3], giants, cryptids, ‘interdimensional’ beings, hybrids or other entities, may exist or may have existed in the past. And we should not be surprised to learn that God’s world is extremely varied and complex; we should not be surprised to discover that our human history is much deeper and broader than we originally thought. These ‘discoveries’ have long been known to elite secret societies, but now are being revealed en masse to force massive changes.

close encounter

As I said in that 2023 article, ‘disclosure’ is nothing less than a planned, coordinated and fundamental attack on our perception and our assumptions of reality itself. And consequently it’s an assault on the foundations of our trust and belief in the living God and in Jesus Christ.

So the question is:

What are the goals of disclosure? And why?                                         

The goal that I’ll focus on is:

False spiritual awakening.[4]

In this article I’ll present what this awakening is and its intended effects and how the disclosure movement manufactures and propagates it. I’ll say all this to warn Christians to reject the deception and to encourage us to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.

The second biggest story . . . ever

THE biggest story ever is, of course, the first ‘alien’ invasion — God the Son invaded earth as a human being and lived, died, rose again, and ascended into the heavens. This is the gospel, the good news, of Jesus Christ. But another counterfeit ‘invasion’ is apparently taking place now.

Here are some notable quotes from key figures that reveal the seriousness and significance of what is happening.

There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted. Civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time and that their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic Western point of view. — Dr Brian O’Leary, NASA astronaut and Princeton University physics professor

Yes, there have been ET visitations. There have been crashed craft. There have been material and bodies recovered. There has been a certain amount of reverse engineering that has allowed some of these craft . .  — Dr Edgar Mitchell, NASA astronaut

You know, there aren’t six people in this room who know how true this really is. —President Ronald Reagan. Conversation with Steven Spielberg at the White House on June 27, 1982 during a Presidential screening of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.

The phenomenon of UFOs does exist, and it must be treated seriously. — Mikhail Gorbachev, former Leader of the Soviet Union

The reality is that they (aliens) have been visiting earth for decades and probably millennia and have contributed considerably to our knowledge. — Paul Hellyer, former Canadian defence minister

Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying. — Arthur C Clarke, science fiction author

It should be no surprise that the presence of ‘aliens,’ whatever they are, if they were to be somehow officially, scientifically, visually disclosed, would be an earth-shattering story and could cause deep and unpredictable disruptions to the entire world. But depending on how the disclosure unfolds and the aliens’ perceived posture toward us, it could take some time for this disclosure to be understood and accepted. A sudden disclosure would be hard to control and so could cause:

  • mass panic, confusion, chaos
  • runs on banks, gas, groceries
  • looting, violence
  • lockdowns
  • major disruptions in supplies
  • political upheaval
  • breakdown of social structures

But the effects of a slow disclosure, which apparently is the mode happening now, would be quite different. It could be subtle and barely perceptible to most of society — most people don’t follow disclosure closely. And in that case, there would be no catastrophic effects at all. So if disclosure happens slowly and therefore imperceptibly, it simply becomes our new reality over time – our ‘new normal.’ For example, the false spiritual awakening may cause a slow decline among traditional and non-traditional churches and a slow revival of various occult practices. And it just so happens that this has been the trend for some time.[5]

Who or what are the aliens?

But let’s take a step back. What are we really talking about? Ufologists have tried to classify the collective phenomena and have arrived at several theories. Here are the five main hypotheses:

Extraterrestrial hypothesis – UFOs are physical flying objects flown by extraterrestrial intelligence or non-human aliens, or non-occupied alien drones/probes from other planets. This has been the most common interpretation for some time.

Psychosocial hypothesis – UFOs are the result of emotional factors that distort the perceptions of celestial objects.

Interdimensional hypothesis – UFOs are encounters, sightings or experiences of other ‘dimensions’ entities/beings that coexist separately but alongside our own reality.

Extratempestrial (time traveler) hypothesis – UFOs are our future human descendants coming back through time to visit and study their evolutionary past.

Cryptoterrestrial hypothesis – Aliens are a hidden, earth-based, technologically-advanced civilization located either in a hollow earth or under the seas or other remote places.

It’s not unrealistic to think that more than one of these theories could become prominent. The extraterrestrial theory has historically been the most commonly held (‘little green men from Mars’ . . . or planet Sazum). But more recently both the cryptoterrestrial and the interdimensional hypotheses have gotten much more attention, especially the interdimensional. It’s this theory that I’ll focus on for reasons that will become clear.

Growing Fakeness to Life

We have to ask: what’s the social and cultural background in which this is taking place that fuels this deception? One of the main characteristics of our twenty-first century is its media centeredness. In the last few decades, life has genuinely become less real and consequently more fake, more artificial, more contrived, primarily because of media, especially the smartphone. I’ve documented this in many other articles, but it’s worth repeating. And this is the whole thrust of this website — beware of lies and deceptions!

We can see this most clearly in the ‘smartphone takeover.’ Let’s compare some of the basic things that we do, before smartphones and after:

We humans used to . . .But now with smartphones we . . .
write letters (using stamps to mail them)check email
shop in storesbrowse Amazon
converse in personuse FaceTime or Duo
do research in librariesdo keyword searches using Google
go to the librarydo keyword searches using Google
take pictures with camerastake selfies and post to Instagram
read booksdownload podcasts/watch YouTube
scrap book/photo albumspost to Facebook/Instagram
pay with cashuse PayPal/Bitcoin/credit card
go to banksdo online banking
pay billscheck automatic bank account drafts on the bank app
play board games/card gamesplay Angry Birds, Fortnight, Minecraft
go grocery shoppingget groceries delivered by Instacart
use a road mapuse GPS
have intimate, dinner conversationtalk casually while showing each other pics
see a doctoruse telemedicine
talk to neighborsuse Facebook or NextDoor app
play records/stereo/radiouse Spotify
talk on the phoneuse SMS text messaging
go to the movieswatch YouTube and NetFlix
use a flashlightuse the ‘flashlight’ app on the smartphone
join a business networking groupuse Linkedin
hail a taxiuse Uber

Just to be clear I’m not saying that this means we should try to go back to ‘the good ol’ days.’ No. The point is that we need to wake up and recognize what this monopolization by smartphone means.

In an increasingly mediated world the real and fake become more difficult to distinguish — they inevitably get blurred. Consequently, we gradually lose the ability to distinguish the real from the fake. And the quality of the fakes continually improve. And some fakes become preferred because they’re more ‘pure’ or digital and apparently don’t have errors (or so we believe), and help us to avoid ‘messy humans.’ We’re getting used to dealing with non-humans claiming or posing as humans or quasi-humans or ‘good enough’ humans. I’m talking about chatbots, automated attendants, avatars, etc.

man in bed

But isn’t this just ‘suspended disbelief’ —  what we involuntarily do during a good movie or novel? Is it really any different? Yes, I think it is. The quality and amount of fakeness means that life itself becomes more fake – the whole of life takes on a patina of artificiality. More effort has gone into making it appear more real, which makes it a more appealing and effective fake. It’s a deeper and more powerful deception.

Yes, TV and movies and novels fire our imagination and answer to our fantasies, but AI allows us to experience and ‘believe’ our fantasies like never before.

This causes me to think there is a deeper deception, a new deception, a deception that weakens and exploits our deepest vulnerabilities in a way that would otherwise be impossible. This is a deception where we willingly enter a different reality, even if it’s only for brief moments of time.

This is the power of fantasy. Fantasies create alternate worlds, and until now, those fantasies could never completely captivate us. Sure, they’re enjoyable; sure, they allow us to escape our grimy, everyday reality, if only for a short time. But AI fantasies are the beginning of a new world, and a counterfeit spiritual world.

But what does this have to do with aliens and disclosure?

We’re now more vulnerable than ever to all kinds of deception, including what could be the most outlandish and preposterous claim ever: aliens!

Dangers of Disclosure

It’s bad enough that disclosure is shaping up to be an elaborate hoax, but how will it be perpetrated? How could it possibly succeed? Because the fakes are getting that good! Here’s the quality of the evidence disclosure is likely to have:

The evidence will be . .

  • overwhelming and forceful
  • detailed and physical
  • ‘verified’ by experts, military, AI
  • varied and complex
  • massive and growing
  • historical and provenantial
  • conflicting and confusing
  • fake AND real
  • visible and palpable
  • ‘good’ and evil
  • nearly impossible to contradict

Evidence this good means that whatever is being disclosed ‘cannot fail.’

So then, what is the goal of disclosure and why is it so bad? As I said earlier the biggest immediate goal of disclosure is to create a false spiritual awakening.

It’s fundamentally about the disclosure of the spiritual world, and of course that spiritual world is real. But it has intentionally been hidden for centuries. Ever since the Enlightenment, the scientific revolution and Darwin, materialism has dominated the major universities and public education, business and commerce, and most public spaces. Religious belief and most of Christianity has been marginalized to an individualized private affair. And consequently the lives that many Christians live are divorced from their professed beliefs; that is, what they claim to believe.[6]

But all that is about to change with ‘disclosure.’ Disclosure is being set up to RE-enchant the world, and because our powers of discernment are impaired, we’re ripe and ready for the harvest. By re-enchanting the world I mean that we’re going back to the world before the Enlightenment when most people assumed that God and spirits inhabited and controlled the world. They looked upon the natural world (upon which they were dependent) with its cycle of birth and death, seed and harvest, sun and moon, wake and sleep, as something that came from a higher dimension, something beyond them, and something they could not control. Consequently people prayed, worked hard, cared for their children and their animals, were contented with family and friends. With disclosure the spiritual world is again being disclosed, but with a dark twist. Disclosure is the dark world revealing itself, yet cloaking itself as an ‘angel of light.’[7]

One of the primary spiritualisms may be a revival of Gnosticism, to which Christians have chronically been vulnerable. Even today many Christians downplay the importance of the material world thinking that the spiritual world is more important. But God made the material world and it’s where we live and where we’re called to love and serve.

The metaverse may also take on Gnostic overtones trying to seduce us to disembody ourselves to operate more freely in it. Consequently, our bodies become passive, more controllable, and ‘possessable’ by various spirits.

Disclosure and reenchantment will have to be based in science, but not just any science; it will be based on quantum physical science linked to spirituality — science and spirit are being unified.

Science and spirituality — Manufacturing disclosure

Disclosure is being rolling out as a constellation of fundamental, related subjects. In the last several years all of these topics have gotten more attention, more purveyors, more press. Here’s a list of the main topics and how they move the needle toward a false spiritual awakening. They fall into at least four categories:

  • physics
  • mind
  • history
  • religion

quantum physics – This is the world of quarks, muons, entanglement, etc that provides the hidden basis for our physical reality. What is slowly being disclosed is that this science is also the foundation of a spiritual world.[8]

theories of everything – This is the desire to scientifically and theoretically account for everything that exists into a single unified scientific theory. This again is poised to slowly be disclosed as the unification of the material and spiritual worlds.

free energy or zero point energy – Energy that is freely available to be generated out of thin air and that has been lost or hidden. This is another vector to describe the unity between the physical and spiritual worlds within the energy domain.

time/time travel – Even time is being described as a quantum building block that can be manipulated as any other quantum part; again, unifying the physical and spiritual worlds.

space – The conventional description of outer space as a vast emptiness, millions of light years across, complete now with newly-discovered potentially habitable exoplanets, contributes to the larger narrative of aliens and extraterrestrial life. The fact that this view is not allowed to be questioned should be an obvious red flag [9]


consciousness/brain-mind quandary – The so-called ‘hard problem of consciousness’ is ‘hard,’ that is, hard to understand or describe because we humans with a brain — a three-pound lump of tissue — according to materialists, shouldn’t be able to produce consciousness: memory, decisions, attention, cognition, etc. It’s hard to explain how a purely material thing, a brain, could create the wonder of consciousness. But this hard problem will apparently be solved by, again, unifying the material and spiritual.

technology assisted consciousness (TAC) and psionics – So-called TAC/CAT is another coupling of material and spirit. One example of this is the CE (close encounters)-5 application, downloadable from the Apple Store!

AI – Artificial intelligence is yet another piece of the puzzle. Will AI gain consciousness? It may appear to, but, spoiler alert: it won’t because it simply cannot. See LIE: AI will [continue to] serve us.

gravity/non-locality – Like time, gravity is also considered a physical component of quantum physics, and so like time, space can also be manipulated. Examples of quantum gravity manipulation include remote viewing, astral projection, anti-gravity propulsion, etc.


alternate history/ancient hidden structures‘Our history is a lie agreed upon.’ ‘History is written by the victors.’ Our history has been manipulated and altered, but by how much? Alternate histories provide cover for the time traveler and cryptoterrestrial hypotheses and promise to uncover lost technologies that combine with some sort of sorcery.


religions/spirituality – Spiritualism is making a comeback. See my article: LIE: God is a vast impersonal force.

hallucinogenics – DMT, LSD, psilocybin, ahahuasca, and other hallucinogens provide accessible experiences and new awareness of a spiritual world, but this spiritual world is filled with dark forces, posing as benevolent, healing entities.

UFOs/NHIs (non-human intelligences) – Finally UFOs/UAPs/aliens is the one subject that crystallizes all four categories. Its possibilities enable multiple narratives to arise and promote the unifying of everything.

An example of a popular commentator and practitioner of this kind of spiritualism, Jay Anderson, is an open source researcher and the founder of Project Unity. The following extended quote gives you an idea of how he combines the spiritual with science and argues they are complementary (which of course they are, but only because both are a creation of God, yet God — the true and living One — is conspicuously absent from his discourse). He states:

I was doing what would become my usual routine, which was to just get into these meditative states of consciousness, these very basic states of consciousness and begin to project intentions and also ideas about what I think reality is. . . . I was basically talking to the universe the way that I’m talking to you right now and explaining how I feel about the potential dynamics and principles of reality as a conscious construct, and if anything’s out there that agrees with this or if there’s anything out there that understands love as a fundamental force in nature . . . I was really filling myself up with very positive emotion . . .

If you just do your research into the biophysics of a human being and you realize that we are electrochemical beings, that we radiate electromagnetic energy and that our thoughts and feelings and reactions are all electrochemical pulses that resonate electronically. Like we are energetic beings empirically proven by science, you know, you don’t have to invoke anything spiritual to say very definitively that we are energetic beings. So park that skepticism, debunker thing to the side; it’s already been proven, my friend . . .

My point is that these very profound emotional states, even anger and hatred and envy, but also love and happiness and the positive emotions, the one that fills you up with amazing feelings — this is all very powerful electrochemical processes happening, which then radiates energy. So going into these states of consciousness to initiate a form of contact with potentially unknown intelligences of a higher order, in reality probably best to come equipped with your best feelings glowing, not the negative feelings. So you want to be going at this kind of approach with positivity with love with connectivity, with unity, with empathy, with a childlike innocence, like an approach of curiosity.

I look into a lot of different subjects and I’m interested in a lot of different fields but the keystone, the core of my shift onto a path of alternative research was that I had these experiences and what I decided to do once I had these experiences, was I picked up a camera and I went to this forest, into the trees, away from everyone, and I started talking about my experiences and I started talking about the spirit science that I think is involved in these experiences which has only evolved in terms of my knowledge on that issue. I really feel we’re close to finding some of the hidden keys in our biology that connect us to reality in a way that facilitates this non-local communication point-to-point, beyond any sort of linearity restriction communication. Because we are essentially biological quantum computers that are connected to all points in the universe. That’s what we’re going to find out and that’s what was revealed to me through these experiences and the subsequent research I did.[10]

My Prediction for how disclosure could happen

The goal appears to be to put ‘close encounters’ in the best and most appealing light and to attract the most people into it — to democratize paranormal and occult practices. The major obstacle to that, traditionally speaking, has been that it’s scary, dark, and just weird. But if you wanted to remake its image and promote it as a good thing, you need a public relations program to promote it in a positive light. And it seems one of the best ways to do this would be to produce a contrast to it; to create a dark and violent fiction that opposes the ‘good’ non-human intelligences.

And the best way to control a narrative is to co-opt all sides of the conversation and to flood it with so many voices that it bewilders most people. So I think the US and other governments will use force and violence to try to control so-called NHIs, but this will be seen for what it indeed is  — dark and medieval, backward, and corrupt. Somehow it will be revealed that most NHI are benevolent, peace loving and good and are actually trying to save humanity from the very people who are trying to control them.

So in contrast we as humans will be seen as bad, violent and controlling (which of course we humans are). But the claim will be that NHI have evolved, that they are advanced. Perhaps they could easily overpower us, but choose not to. (See, they’re good!)

The metaverse

Slowly, over time, with enough incidents, conflicts, wars, and encounters like this, the NHI will come to be seen in a positive light, and that they offer a way to also transcend our old, outdated, frail, aging humanity and become more like them who have become enlightened to the spiritual world. Practically how this happens I don’t know. But a promotion such as this fits the transhuman agenda well.

But the truth is that God has his own ‘transhuman agenda.’

The Real Disclosure: the Revelation of Jesus Christ, True Unification

Yes, disclosure seeks to falsely unify science and spirit, material and spiritual. But the truth is, that’s what God is doing and what Jesus taught us to pray:

‘ . . Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven . . ’

GOD HIMSELF is reuniting heaven and earth in Jesus Christ, his resurrection being the ‘first fruits’ — the opening demonstration of his power and plan to fully restore humanity. But the devil is also in the process of counterfeiting this reunification. And the temptation will be to abandon faith and hope because the ‘spiritual world’ will (falsely) become tangible, and attainable now. The scope of this deception is unprecedented. It threatens to capture/envelop our whole world, and our full attention.[11]

If I’m right, the world is shaping up to be a very dark place for us and for our children. The stakes are high, which means we must be awake and alive to the real spiritual world of the true and living God. There is no need to be afraid, but we cannot be passive or feign ignorance.

All that Satan can do is try to counterfeit the real thing, but if we have our spiritual eyes open and truly pursue and experience the living God and his word, we will not fall victim to the dark deception of disclosure.

Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power. — Colossians 2:8–10

[1] See for example:

[2] See my article: Warning: Alien disclosure — an attempt to redefine reality

[3] The Apostle Paul himself admitted to the Corinthian church that he may have had an out of body experience, hearing unspeakable things. See 2 Corinthians 12:1–4. We should be careful not to put too many limits on the experiences that God can give us. Some of them are strange indeed.

[4] Other goals include global governance, depopulation and transhumanism.

[5] See my article: LIE: God is a vast impersonal force.

[6] What we actually believe is always lived out; it’s impossible not to. See My Manuscript Introduction.

[7] 2 Corinthians 11:14

[8] I seriously doubt the principles of quantum physics, but that discussion will have to wait for another day.

[9] For more information on how the commonly accepted view of space contributes to a wrong view of God and humanity, see my article: What is heaven?

[10] Captured and transcribed from  on 4 March 2025

[11] See my articles on the Mark of the Beast, part 1, part 2, and part 3. In a word, the mark of the beast is a process of assimilation.

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