Here’s a list of all lies on davidherin.org:
In listing ‘all lies’ I don’t claim to have exhausted the subject. This is simply an efficient way for you to find the lies that I’ve written about. The lies that are hyperlinked are on the site; those that are not hyperlinked are in process. New lies are added as time goes on, so stay tuned!
Lies attacking the nature of God
Section introduction
God doesn’t care.
God doesn’t exist.
God is mean.
God is not good.
God is irrelevant.
God is inaccessible.
God is Nature.
God’s works must be effective.
Lies attacking our relationship to God
Section introduction
I don’t need God.
God won’t judge us.
I can become more worthy of God’s love.
We preach the gospel to get people saved so that they can avoid hell and go to heaven when they die.
The Christian life is a matter of understanding and following Biblical principles.
We must not contaminate sacred with the secular.
Jesus’ resurrection means we will live forever in heaven.
Relying completely on God is impossible, naïve and impractical.
We must wait and pray until we are certain of God’s direction; otherwise, we are presumptuous and will displease him.
Passive use of the internet is harmless, part 1.
Passive use of the internet is harmless, part 2.
Passive use of the internet is harmless, part 3.
Prayer is useless.
God calls the qualified.
If you can dream it, you can do it.
I can safely ignore God.
Doubt cannot co-exist with faith.
Lies attacking what is real
Section introduction
Things I can’t sense don’t exist, and if they do, it doesn’t matter.
I’m immune to deception.
Progress is good.
Lies attacking ‘the good life’
Section introduction
The goal in life is to be happy.
More is better.
I’m unavoidably too busy.
Children are a burden.
Boredom is overcome by entertainment.
Rest must be earned.
Life must be taken.
I cannot create anything unless I have an ideal plan.
Lies attacking our relationship to others
Section introduction
I can live the Christian life on my own.
I have a right to punish those who hurt me.
I can’t forgive.
I should not judge.
Passively looking at human images is harmless.
To avoid rejection I must pretend or perform an admired role.
Appearing to care and caring are the same thing.
I don’t have the time, energy or resources to get involved.
I’m better than him/her.
Romantic love is the foundation for marriage.
Uniformity is unity.
Churches must be named.
Necessities determine what I should do.
We achieve unity by striving for homogeneity.
Saying or doing something that I know will cause offense is wrong.
Lies attacking our self-understanding
Section introduction
I’m in control of my life.
My body belongs to me.
The goal in life is to be a good Christian.
I can become a god, part 1.
I can become a god, part 2.
My attributes determine my value.
I can never do enough.
No matter what I do, nothing changes.
We cannot be both spiritual and intellectual.
Men and women who do not have a normal opposite-sex attraction are mistakes and are rejected by God.
The meaning of life is an unfathomable mystery.
Aging is bad and is to be avoided.
Silence is boring.
I am my brain.
I am defeated, part 1.
I am defeated, part 2.
I am good.
Mothers’ lives who stay home are small and unimportant.
My ministry defines my identity.
My biblical literacy and theological knowledge define my ministry.
My age defines my maturity.
I can prolong my life indefinitely.
Sleep is a waste.
Christians shouldn’t get discouraged.
My life is meaningless.
Lies about sin
Section introduction
I’m immune to the consequences of sin.
The goal in life is to be without sin.
We are sinners saved by grace.
How I live doesn’t matter as long as I’m saved.
Some sinful habits are unconquerable.
I can overcome my sin if I try harder.
Idolatry is rare, part 1.
Idolatry is rare, part 2.
Our hidden sins do not affect others.
Committing just one more sin won’t really matter.
I can’t be forgiven because of I’ve sinned too much.
Man’s biggest problem is sin.
Lies about self-security
Section introduction
Suffering is bad.
My job is my provider.
I cannot succeed unless I promote myself.
I cannot be secure unless I have enough money.
The powerless are insignificant.
We are free.
We should not talk or think about death.
Christians have a corner on the truth.
We should be afraid of the devil.
TV (and other media) doesn’t affect me.
Lies about self-entitlement
Section introduction.
I have a right to anything made accessible to me.
Unless I gratify my desires immediately I will be unhappy.
My creative genius excuses my indiscipline and narcissism.
Lies about salvation by knowledge
Section introduction.
I cannot feel secure unless I know what’s happening in the world.
I can discern the state of the world by monitoring the news.
Monitoring the news is necessary and important.
Understanding truths is simply a matter of applying my mind.
I will be secure if I learn the secret knowledge of the world.
Certainty is impossible.
Modern/postmodern man is smarter, more sophisticated.
In-depth study is useless.
Fiction is stranger than truth.
Lies about false authorities
Section introduction.
You’re either a conservative or a liberal.
America is good.
Evolution is true.
Medical authorities are worthy of implicit trust.
Evil is more powerful than good.
We should pray and work for the restoration of America.
The government should protect me from persecution.
To be a good Christian I must be patriotic.
We should keep quiet and not entertain conspiracy theories.
Lies about salvation by technology
Section introduction.
Technology is amoral.
Humans should be redefined.
Science and technology will solve man’s problems.
We cannot have life without healthcare.
As long as it works it’s okay.
The Internet is god.