In your mind, you have capacities, you knowTo telepath messages through the vast unknownPlease close your eyes and concentrateWith every thought you thinkUpon the recitation we’re about to sing Calling occupants of interplanetary craftCalling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft . . . With your mind, you have ability to
LIE: God is not good
What is the judgment of God?
What is time?

Time is obvious and everywhere. It just is.
But it’s also one of the deepest mysteries of all time. Saint Augustine famously said: ‘What then is time? Provided that no one asks me, I know. If I want to explain it to an inquirer, I do not know.’
Nowadays, when someone asks the question, what is time, it’s usually answered by a quantum physicist who goes into theories of spacetime, time crystals, black holes and such. But this article will not go in that direction. . . .
What is death?
LIE: God only grants salvation to those who have faith in Jesus
What is heaven?

The heavens are connected to the earth, and saying so is not a literalistic interpretation; it is observable and perfectly rational. The sky, including the atmosphere, clouds, sun, moon and, yes, stars and even God’s throne are all part of ‘the heavens’ according to the biblical writers. They described the heavens and earth in the same breath, as one integrated whole.
Warning: Alien disclosure — an attempt to redefine reality
LIE: AI will [continue to] serve us
![LIE: AI will [continue to] serve us LIE: AI will [continue to] serve us](
A fundamental uncertainty surrounds AI. ‘What will it do?’ ‘How far will it go?’ ‘Can we control it?’ Assuming that, once enough intelligence is gained, independent action will follow. That was true for Adam and the human race, but will it also be true for AI? The desire/will/intent to create AI/AGI is the ultimate divine act, that is, to create and cultivate entities like ourselves. It is the ultimate transgression.
What is hell?

I will not pretend to have solved the mystery of hell. Just as we cannot possibly envision the new heavens and earth, neither can we fully envision hell, whatever it is. But the truth is, the Word does give us the broad contours, enough to say with confidence that hell is NOT the caricature that we’ve been told.