Of all the lies, perhaps the most pitiful and damaging is: God doesn’t care. After a long agony, those who reach this point of despair end up hollowing themselves out, and may also end up walking about the rest of their days as the living dead. Often people arrive at this nadir only after enduring an inordinate amount of pain, neglect or abuse from those who should be caring for them. Tragically, many of those who absorb this lie become . . .
LIE: God is mean
Lie: God is mean.
Truth: Our heavenly Father is full of mercy and grace.
Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. — Helen Keller
In this life we suffer, some much more than others, and honestly, at times it really does seem senseless. The young boy with leukemia with his bald head, smiling, pulling his IV pole along; the burn victims, inhumanely scarred; the sadness and chronic addiction of the Native American tribes; the tornado victims, lost, searching for their keepsakes in the shambles of what was once their homes. I could go on; we all could. We’re saddened for the suffering, but we quickly turn away. It simply is too painful to linger long.