Lie: God is not good. Truth: God is better than we can possibly imagine. The cross of Christ is God’s final answer to the problem of evil because the problem of evil is in the cross itself. — E J Carrell The enemy of our soul aims this deadly arrow
What is the judgment of God?
We don’t sentence thieves and murderers and traffic violators with the same punishment. Likewise God’s justice ‘system’ is measured and proportional.
Warning: Alien disclosure — an attempt to redefine reality
In other words, HERE’S THE BIG LIE: ‘sorry folks, we know this must be disappointing, but unfortunately there is no personal ‘God,’ and so that means there is no personal God who created you and loves you. There is only the mysterious impersonal force of creation and destruction, whatever that is.’
LIE: God is a vast impersonal force
It’s shocking to see the numbers, but it should come as no surprise that a majority of Christians now believe in a variety of ‘New Age’ beliefs. According to . . .
LIE: God is irrelevant
Lie: God is irrelevant.
Truth: God is relevant.
The greatest source of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips but deny him by their lifestyles. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable. — Brennan Manning
This lie is often felt but seldom acknowledged.
The question burns: relevant or irrelevant to what? God is irrelevant to . . . me, my life, my finances, my job? or irrelevant to the world, that is, the one I live in: business, science, popular culture? In other words, how does God really matter, that is, as opposed to things we know that matter: health, family, age, technology, weather, government services, education, money, food? You get the idea.
LIE: God doesn’t care
Of all the lies, perhaps the most pitiful and damaging is: God doesn’t care. After a long agony, those who reach this point of despair end up hollowing themselves out, and may also end up walking about the rest of their days as the living dead. Often people arrive at this nadir only after enduring an inordinate amount of pain, neglect or abuse from those who should be caring for them. Tragically, many of those who absorb this lie become . . .
LIE: God is mean
Lie: God is mean.
Truth: Our heavenly Father is full of mercy and grace.
Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. — Helen Keller
In this life we suffer, some much more than others, and honestly, at times it really does seem senseless. The young boy with leukemia with his bald head, smiling, pulling his IV pole along; the burn victims, inhumanely scarred; the sadness and chronic addiction of the Native American tribes; the tornado victims, lost, searching for their keepsakes in the shambles of what was once their homes. I could go on; we all could. We’re saddened for the suffering, but we quickly turn away. It simply is too painful to linger long.
LIE: God does not exist
Lie: God doesn’t exist
Truth: God lives.
“I was at this time, like so many Atheists or Antitheists, in a whirl of contradictions. I maintained that God did not exist. I was also very angry with God for not existing. I was equally angry with Him for creating a world.” — C S Lewis
This lie is perhaps the most audacious of all. But no one seriously questioned the existence of God until the modern era, that is, until Charles Darwin conceived the first grand vision of the world’s origins thought worthy to compete with the creation story in Genesis. People always presumed that . . .